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Join us, learn and assist with wildlife research, nature conservation
and community development projects in Peru
Since 1997, Fauna Forever has been welcoming Peruvian and international volunteers, interns, and dissertation students to the Peruvian Amazon - people who want to learn the wildlife research methods we use, people who want to assist us with day-to-day activities on our biodiversity research and forest conservation projects, and those people who want to undertake their own undergraduate or post-graduate thesis projects with the help, expertise, and supervision from our professional field staff. Opportunities are available for short or extended periods of time throughout the year and for candidates with a variety of research skill levels, financial constraints, and time considerations. Some volunteer and internship options are also free depending on the applicant, their proven level of experience, the season, and the state of our discretionary scholarship funds. However, the majority of applicants are required to pay a fee to help cover the cost of their stay with us, as our central funding is limited. These fees cover all costs associated with local transfers, food, lodging, and certain items of equipment that volunteers and interns use frequently. Personal expenses such as snacks, bottled beverages, clothes, rubber boots, etc. are not covered.
Mammal Team
Mammals - Tapir (Tom Ambrose) 2.jpg
Learn the techniques used to study diversity, abundance, and distribution of over 110 species of rainforest mammals
Bird Team
Assist us using mist nets and point counts to understand population size, activity patterns, and age characteristics of over 600 species
Striated antbird (Tom Ambrose).jpg
Herpetofauna Team
Assist with reptile and amphibian population sampling protocols focused on a total of over 200 species of herpetofauna
Black Caiman (Juan Carlos Huayllapuma) 2
Bat Research Team
Bat Team
Study the diversity, population dynamics, and habitat requirements of over 115 species of bat
Help our team understand tree diversity and population dynamics, especially of large, long-lived, and key-stone species
Botany & Tree Team
Big Tree - Ficus, tree inside alive (Jer
Mammals - Black-headed night monkey (Tom
Primate Team
Assist in the study of home range, behaviour, and diet of 11 species of primates
Medicinal Plant Team
Learn how native and mestizo communities use medicinal plants and help them conserve their cultures
Huancahuisacha (Juan Carlos Huayllapuma)
Nature Photography Team
Bring your digital camera and work alongside professionals helping to collect imagery of conservation and scientific importance
Nature photography team Fauna Forever
Raptor Team
Assist us with radio- and satellite-telemetry, and point count, field methods to understand the ecology of rainforest raptor species
Forest falcon, Rachel (Alexis Nunez).JPG
Community Development Team
Join the team that assists native and mestizo communities with their long-term sustainable development goals. Spanish required
Community - Juan Carlos Huayllapuma 1 (6
Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation
Help out at an animal rescue centre providing care to mammals, birds, and reptiles until they are well enough to go back to the wild
Mammals - Night monkey (Gaby Wiederkehr)
Invertebrate Team
Learn to sample and identify Neotropical butterflies, beetles, and spiders, and marvel the sheer diversity of these groups
Insect - Beetle (Tom Ambrose).jpg
Forest Ranger Team
Join us at the sharp end of protected area conservation and find out what it takes to counter threats to biodiversity. Spanish required
Kayaks (Gordon Dimmig).jpg
Mark Fernley, Chris Ketola, Beatriz Fern
Technology Team
Bring your laptop and assist us with bioacoustics, drone-based mapping, radio telemetry, PIT tagging, infographics and much more besides
Drone Over the Mountains
Non-profit Management Team
Join our office staff in Puerto Maldonado and Cusco and help us raise funds, communicate our results, and encourage others to visit Peru
Jumping (Gaby Wiederkehr).jpg
Ecosystem Services Team
Help us collect and analyse ecosystem services and ecosystem processes data, with an aim to valuing wild nature
Stingless bees (imgur).jpg
Resident Naturalist Program
Join a dedicated team of long-term interns willing to spend at least 4 months assisting local ecotourism companies at a reduced rate
Pariamanu River (Fauna Forever, Juan Car
Fauna Forever Logo
"Only by understanding how rainforest wildlife respond to change, and promoting robust incentives for conservation, can we hope to live happy lives here. Thanks for the lesson Fauna Forever"
Savannah Lehnert (USA)
Botany - Cecropia leaf (Chris Kirkby) sm

"Green springs eternal". Tree seedlings growing through fallen Cecropia leaves. Photo: Chris Kirkby

© 2010-2025 by Fauna Forever     

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